Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Using Yuwie Clubs to Gain Tons of Views

Yuwie has a feature just like some other social networking sites that allow users to create clubs that people can join to discuss the specific topic or play common forum games. When people think of Yuwie clubs, most think of the groups like friend adders and groups that promote adding tons of people. Most of these people visit your profile one time and you never talk to them again. Going through the work of a friend adding group like that rarely has large effects on your page views.

There is a more efficient way to spend your time through groups to maximize your page views. If you and many friends in your group share a common interest, or can even discuss different opinions on that matter, then you should consider making a group over that topic. If you create original content that people can discuss and critique or debate over you are more likely to generate page views then to just add some random people.

Make groups that your referrals will want to post in because when ever they get page views the count towards you. If you have many referrals and a lot of them are in big discussions in your groups then you will generate a lot of page views through them. You can also use the original content to join in on the conversation. Friend adders can only get you so much traffic for your self, but getting traffic from you and your referrals will really maximize your page views and allow for much deeper discussion and more original content that other people will want to read.

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